• Fund Raising
  • Donor Retention
  • Business Marketing
  • Branding
  • Sales
  • Lead Generation
  • Events

Turn-Key Creative Services

Campaign development for your business, organization or non-profit begins with knowing your vision, your expectations and your budget. PIPMail3.0 will fully execute with strategic planning, professional design and messaging — and a full-array of services to reach your target.


We specialize in direct mail campaigns that work! From eye-stopping creative headlines to the appealing one-time customer offer to the latest technology in personalizing your mailing to the recipient, we do it all. When you turn your direct mail program over to PIPMail3.0, you can forget about it. Just go back to the office and wait for the results!


If you are among the more than 1.5 million tax-exempt nonprofits and charities in the United States, you know that finding enough money to operate your organization is the biggest challenge you face. Raising money for a cause is the most competitive business around. PIP3.0 creates compelling direct mail pieces that help open your donor’s wallet and keep their support coming. Break through the clutter and make your voice heard – with PIP3.0 Direct Mail.


Many individuals and most companies operate on a budget that is developed and implemented on an annual basis. The best-run charitable organizations plan ahead to make sure they are included in that budget.  Those who ask for money at the last minute are likely to be told that “our budget is set for the year.”  Let PIP3.0 help you stay ahead of the curve with informative and timely direct mail pieces that tell your story and ask for financial support – while the funding decisions are still being made.


A good marketing or fundraising campaign is not an overnight sensation. It is the result of careful preparation and planning. PIPMail3.0 will help segment your audience to reach your desired target. Our professional copywriters will create and polish your message. Our creative team will develop a theme for multiple mailers that tell a story and reinforce your core message. Our designers will package your message in colorful graphics that dare you to ignore. We’ll open doors for new donors and customers who will want to know more about what you do. Good strategic planning will power your campaign to new heights.


Every successful marketing or fundraising campaign needs a compelling story – one that grabs the customer’s attention and won’t let go until the message has been delivered completely. Count on PIPMail3.0 to craft a memorable message that capsules the benefits of your  organization products and services, intrigues the reader and leaves every prospect wanting to know more. Great words are the beginning of a successful campaign!


Eye-catching design is a powerful marketing tool. Our creative team breathes life into the campaign message. Using a colorful platform that catches the reader’s eye and delivers your campaign strategy, we make a mailing impossible to ignore within the clutter of mailbox traffic. And our social media ads grab the attention needed to win the viewer’s coveted click. We simply call it – design for the win.


Mailing lists are our specialty. We’ll help you narrow the universe of people you need to reach. The right demographics. The right zip codes. The right target for your purpose. We have access to names and addresses across hundreds of communities in your area of interest. With PIPMail3.0, you can be assured your mailing is landing in the right mail box – one that will be receptive to your message and boost your sales, sales leads, donations or the success of your event.


Our printing capabilities are second to none. From the simplest flier to the largest poster or most intricate brochure, we are ready for the job! You can count on us for professional quality, prompt service and a product that will represent your campaign better than anyone else. Try us once. You’ll be a customer for life!


Data Analysis is about discovering useful information about your prospect or customer – information that can give you an “in” to their needs, desires, buying patterns, hot buttons and, yes, even turn-offs.  In the digital age, this is a powerful tool that PIPMail3.0 can help you harness to maximum advantage. In a global economy, you can’t meet with every potential donor or  buyer individually. Analytics is the smart way to know your target!


From eye-stopping creative headlines to the appealing one-time customer offer to the latest technology in personalizing your mailing to the recipient, we do it all.

Try us once.  You’ll be a customer for life!

Count on PIPMail3.0 to craft a memorable message that capsules the benefits of your products and services, intrigues the reader and leaves every prospect wanting to know more.